Jeff Squier

Prof. Dr. Jeff​ SQUIER​

Professor at the Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines, Boulder, Colorado, USA​
Jeff Squier
Image: Private
Prof. Jeff SQUIER
Prof. Jeff SQUIER
Image: Private

Jeff Squier, Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines, is visiting the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy as a Visiting Professor in May 2013. During his stay he will give two lectures.  

Jeff Squier holds a Ph.D. in Optics from the University of Rochester. He is Professor of Physics at the Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines. He established the Center for Microintegrated Optics for Advanced Bioimaging and Control, Co-directed with Professor David Marr, Chemical Engineering. His research incorporates exploiting nonlinear optical effects that can be efficiently excited using femtosecond laser pulses to do everything from creating novel microanalytic platforms (lab-on-a-chip devices) to imaging deep within highly scattering media, such as neuronal tissue. 

Research interests:

  • Lab-on-a-chip systems: Fabricated by light, powered by light
  • Volumetric, multimodal, multiphoton imaging (medical focus)
  • Inexpensive femtosecond laser sources
  • Laser trapping with multimode laser sources
  • Simultaneous space-time focused femtosecond laser beams with application to micomachining
  • Novel high speed (non-laser based) microscope design
  • Creating smart systems (lasers & microscopes) through embedded microcontroller design
  • Multiphoton microscopy for the exploration of semiconductor dynamics
  • Teaching science and engineering at a high level through art

website of Jeff SquierExternal link

Lecture 1: Frontiers in Multiphoton Microscopy: Pushing the Limits of 3D Imaging

Time: May 21, 2013, 10:00
Place: Fraunhofer IOF Jena, Carl-Zeiss-Saal, Albert-Einstein-Str. 7, 07745 Jena

Understanding biological structure and function is an inherently dynamic, three-dimensional problem. As such, multiphoton optical technology must be capable of rapid, targeted access deep (millimeters) within the biological specimen at high resolution. We discuss novel multiphoton imaging methods that exploit custom laser source design to enable multimodal, multiphoton capture of dynamic volumes. Such microscope designs can also be usefully applied to the material sciences for the characterization of femtosecond laser modified materials. Second and third harmonic generation images of materials modified through simultaneous, spatial-temporally focused femtosecond laser pulses will be presented.

Lecture 2: A Pragmatic Guide to Building a Multiphoton Microscope

Time: May 23, 2013, 16:00
Place: Lecture hall 2 Abbeanum, Fröbelstieg 1, 07743 Jena

Nonlinear imaging is playing a more pervasive role then ever in the biological and material sciences. The intent of this tutorial is to provide the key-building blocks so that the interested investigator can design and construct a suitable multiphoton microscope tailored to match their scientific needs. This tutorial is comprehensive, covering do-it-yourself femtosecond laser sources, optical system design for relaying the source through scanners to the excitation objective, collection system design, and inexpensive electronic detection for optimizing signal photon capture.