Prof. Dr. Andrei​ LAVRINENKO​

DTU Fotonik - Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Andrei V. Lavrinenko received the Ph.D. and Doctor of Science degrees from the Belarusian State University (BSU) in Minsk, Belarus in 1989, and 2004, respectively. Since 2004, he has been an Associate Professor with the Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark). Since 2008, he has been leading the Metamaterials Group of the Department of Photonics Engineering. He is the author or co-author of more than 350 publications, including 10 textbooks and book chapters, and more than 100 papers in peer reviewed journals. He has given more than 25 invited talks at international conferences.

Research interests:

  • metamaterials
  • plasmonics
  • photonic crystals and quasicrystals
  • slow light
  • numerical methods (in particular FDTD and FDFD) in electromagnetism and photonics

Lecture 1: Selected Topics in Plasmonics and Metamaterials Research: Parameters Restoration, Light Modulation and Plasmonic Coupler

Time: November 2, 2012, 11:00
Place: ASP Seminar room (D214), Helmholtzweg 4, 07743 Jena

The topic of the lecture is to give an overview of our findings in electromagnetic description of the light-matter interactions in plasmonics and metamaterials. There are several particular directions, which will be highlighted. First I will introduce the wave propagation method for effective parameters restoration with it natural extension to restore wave and material effective parameters in the same round of simulations. The lecture then will focus on plasmonics. I will describe our solutions for the optical fiber - slot waveguide coupling with the help of metal nanoantennas. Further I will introduce the path for potential improvement of the solar cell efficiency by employing an additional photocurrent from plasmonic nanoparticles. The concluding part of the lecture will consider the new route to impose control on the optical waves propagation by utilizing the gain-core effect in finite metal-semiconductor-metal structures. Our simulations prove that it is quite reasonable to realize the proposed scheme experimentally.

Lecture 2: Passive THz Metamaterials and Light Modulators

Time: November 5, 2012, 13:30
Place: Seminar room, Institute of Applied Physics, Albert-Einstein-Straße 15, 07745 Jena

In the lecture I will present our activities with THz metamaterials and light modulation. Our interests lie in the employment of metamaterials in a broad spectrum of linear devices for the THz waves, such as linear and circular polarizers, polarization converters, absorbers and conducting layers with enhanced transmittance, single layer dichroic and chiral systems. The discussion will give an overview of all research steps in modelling, fabrication and characterization. Finally I will report on a novel concept of efficient control of light waves. We consider applying a THz wave to impose control on modes in optical waveguides. Perspectives of such modulation scheme and potential nonlinear materials for it implementation will be discussed.