Prof. Dr. Theo LASSER​

École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

Prof. Theo Lasser studied physics at the Fridericiana University in Karlsruhe, where he graduated in 1978. In 1979, he joined the Franco-German Research Institute in Saint-Louis (France) as a scientific collaborator. In 1986, he joined Carl Zeiss' research division in Oberkochen (Germany), where he mainly developed various laser systems for medical applications. In 1990, he headed the laser laboratory of the medical division. Later in 1993, he became director of the ophthalmology laser unit. From the start of 1995, he was responsible for restructuring and consolidating the many ophthalmic activities at Carl Zeiss and transferring them to Jena. During this period, he created new refractive instruments, biomicroscopes, and retinal cameras. Starting from 1998, he directed Carl Zeiss' research in Jena, where he initiated new projects in microscopy, microtechnology and medical research. In the same year, Theo Lasser was appointed Full Professor of Biomedical Optics at the Institute of Applied Optics at EPFL. Within the Department of Microtechnology, his research activity focuses on biomedical photonics. He participates in the teaching of optics and biomedical instrumentation.

website of the Lasser group at EPFLExternal link

Lecture 1: Super-Resolution Optical Fluctuation Imaging (SOFI) - A Novel Road for SuperResolved Microscopy

Time: May 8, 2018, 14:30
Place: Zeiss room at the Fraunhofer IOF, Albert-Einstein-Str. 7, 07745 Jena

Super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI) provides an elegant concept for 3D super-resolution imaging. We intend to expand the scope of this imaging technique based on new applications in life sciences and medicine. As a first example, we exploit the higher order cumulant statistics of SOFI, which allows to assess quantitatively the receptor distribution and clustering on T-cells. In a further extension we combine SOFI with a novel label-free white light quantitative phase tomography to provide high-speed 3D imaging (>100 Hz) and spatial super-resolution. Finally we would like to report on our recent progress concerning the gut-Alzheimer Disease link. This project demands a realm of optical techniques ranging from functional brain imaging to a novel way for a fast read-out of the microbiome. These selected examples based on new optical concepts demonstrate the growing potential of optical imaging for medicine and lifesciences.

Lecture 2: Colloquium of the Faculty of Physics and Astrononmy: Imaging Across Scales – from Tissue to DNA

Time: May 28, 2018, 14:15
Place: Abbeanum, lecture hall 1, Fröbelstieg 1, 07743 Jena

Tissue, cell and subcellular structures can all be visualized based on coherent imaging and provide a variety of information with high spatial and temporal resolution. Structural imaging complemented by functional information can be assessed by coherent imaging based on optical techniques like extended-focus Optical Coherence Microscopy (xf-OCM), Doppler Imaging and photothermal optical lock-in Coherence Tomography (poli OCM), which allows extending these coherent imaging techniques from tissue structure into cellular dimensions. A final outlook into superresolution (SOFI) combined with phase imaging (PRISM) will be demonstrated by fast 3D cell imaging and DNA-mapping used to decipher the DNA information content at high read-out speed.

Lecture 3: Coherent Imaging I

Time: May 29, 2018, 10:00
Place: ACP auditorium, Albert-Einstein-Str. 6, 07745 Jena

Statistical optics provides a general framework for the understanding of coherent imaging. Based on the Wiener-Khinchin theorem we will derive a simple but general model exploiting the temporal coherence properties for interferometric imaging. This theoretical framework will be complemented by numerous experimental realizations and results to learn the broad potential of coherent imaging. Learning outcomes:

  • Temporal coherence – Wiener-Khinchin theorem
  • Coherent imaging – time domain – Fourier domain
  • Experimental design – interferometric imaging

Lecture 4: Coherent Imaging II

Time: June 5, 2018, 10:00
Place: ACP auditorium, Albert-Einstein-Str. 6, 07745 Jena

Dynamic contrast allowed to see in-vivo the vascularization and the full vessel system down to a depth of 1 mm. This contrast mechanism will be discussed in detail and demonstrated with various examples. This is also the starting point for more advanced concepts like photothermal lock-in techniques allowing to probe cellular mechanisms and processes with high specificity. The Bessel-beam illumination will be introduced and discussed in detail with its important consequences for high axial and lateral resolution followed by experimental results. Learning outcomes:

  • Coherent imaging – contrast mechanisms
  • Axicon and Bessel-beam – lateral and axial resolution
  • Advanced experimental design – interferometric imaging

Lecture 5 - Coherent Imaging III

Time: June 12, 2018, 10:00
Place: ACP auditorium, Albert-Einstein-Str. 6, 07745 Jena