Prof. Kivshar is a world leader in nonlinear physics, nonlinear photonics, and physics of metamaterials. He is known as one of the “Most Cited Scientists in Physics” (ISI: h=91 with >35,000 citations), who published many high-impact papers in Physical Review Letters (83 papers) and Nature-family journals (15 papers). The main contributions of Prof Kivshar to nonlinear physics and photonics include many pioneering results on nonlinear localized modes in optical systems, optical solitons and vortices, the study of localization in discrete systems and nonlinear effects in plasmonics and metamaterials. Many of his results have been summarized in 5 books, and his pioneering works on localization were highlighted in an invited article in Physics Today 57, 43 (2004) and three review papers in Rev. Mod. Phys. (IF=44.982).In October 2017, Yuri Kivshar was awarded one of the prestigious Humboldt Research AwardsExternal link, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt FoundationExternal link. This award is granted in recognition of a researcher's entire achievements to date to academics whose fundamental discoveries, new theories, or insights have had a significant impact on their own discipline and who are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements in the future. With this, Prof. Kivshar is invited to spend a period of up to one year cooperating on a research project at our Abbe Center of Photonics, and is hosted by the group of Prof. Thomas Pertsch. For this period, he is also acknowledged the staus of an ACP/ASP guest professor.
Prof. Kivshar has held two consecutive Federation Fellowships granted by the Australian Research Council (ARC), which provided him with the opportunity for full-time research. These fellowships enormously boosted his research potential, creativity, and productivity. The first Federation Fellowship helped Prof. Kivshar to establish the Nonlinear Physics Centre (NLPC) with active theoretical and experimental programs in nonlinear optics of periodic media closely connected with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Ultrahigh Bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems CUDOS (established in 2003 for eight years and then funded for another seven years from 2011). Prof. Kivshar’s second Federation Fellowship helped him to develop strong experimental programs in metamaterials and, more recently, in nonlinear nanophotonics and all-dielectric metamaterials. Through his leadership and own research support, including ARC Discovery and Linkage grants, Prof. Kivshar established the world leading theoretical and experimental group at NLPC and major experimental infrastructure for nonlinear optics and nanophotonics research, including ultrafast laser systems and related characterisation capabilities, as well as Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope with spectral capabilities and sub-100nm spatial resolution that provides new opportunities to carry out cutting-edge experimental research and develop new experimental techniques. Many research projects and publications of NLPC over the last 5 years are either experimental or include both theoretical and experimental studies. The recent experimental achievements of the NLPC team include the first generation of Airy plasmons (highlighted by American Physical Society), the first observation of vortices in liquid crystals (highlighted by Optical Society of America), fabrication of a new generation of out-of-plane metamaterials (highlighted by Nature Photonics), the first prediction and demonstration of Fano resonances in Si oligomers (published in Nano Letters and Small), and the fastest switching at the nanoscale (Nano Letters, 2015). The NLPC team collaborates actively with many experimental groups and hosts numerous visiting researchers.
website of the Kivshar groupExternal link
Wikipedia entry on Yuri KivsharExternal link
Introductory Talk: Meta-Optics and All-Dielectric Mie-Resonant Nanophotonics
Time: March 19, 2018, 14:00
Place: ACP seminar room 1, Albert-Einstein-Str. 6, 07745 Jena