Prof. Dr. Jer-Shing HUANG​

Associate professor in the Department of Chemistry at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan

Prof. Jer-Shing Huang is currently an associate professor in the Department of Chemistry at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) in Taiwan. He will move to the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology in Germany in November 2016. Prof. Huang is on the Editorial Advisory Board of ACS Photonics and has guest edited the first special issue of ACS Photonics on “Nonlinear and Ultrafast Nanophotonics”. He is also a SPIE Visiting Lecturer and a proposer for SPIE Newsroom for Nanotechnology.

Dr. Jer-Shing Huang obtained his PhD from the Department of Chemistry at the National Taiwan University in 2004. His PhD research focused on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. He then joined the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science at the Academia Sinica in Taiwan to study photochemistry of single molecules. From 2007 to 2010, Dr. Huang worked as a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Dr. Bert Hecht's group in the Department of Experimental Physics 5 at the Würzburg University in Germany, where he focused his research on plasmonic optical nanoantennas and nanocircuits. In 2010, Dr. Huang became an assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry at NTHU in Taiwan. In 2015, Prof. Huang became a tenured associate professor of the same department. Prof. Huang has received both the outstanding research and outstanding teaching award of NTHU. Prof. Huang will move to the Leibniz Institue of Photonic Technology (IPHT) in Jena, Germany as a group leader on November 1st, 2016. Prof. Huang is an expert in the design, fundamentals, and applications of plasmonic nanostructures. Prof. Jer-Shing Huang’s current research focuses on the engineering of nanoscale optical fields for specific light-matter photophysical and photochemical interactions. Specific research topics include optical nanocircuits and plasmonic nanoantennas, plasmon-enhanced chiral spectroscopy and near-field optical trapping.

Lecture 1: Plasmonics for Engineering Nanoscale Light-Matter-Interactions

Time: September 6, 2016, 15:00
Place: ACP Auditorium, Albert-Einstein-Str. 6, 07745 Jena

Well-designed plasmonic nanostructures can concentrate light at sub-wavelength area and offer possibility to engineer and manipulate nanoscale light-matter interaction. In this talk, I will present recent progress in my research group, including the following four topics: (1) Conversion of guided optical modes in a complex plasmonic optical nanocircuit [1]. I will give details in the design, fabrication, detection and analysis of the plasmonic nanocircuits. (2) Surface plasmon-enhanced circular dichroism [2] and (3) Optical manipulation of particles using well-designed plasmonic optical near fields. This part would include our recent works on sub-wavelength optical lattice [3], bi-functional plasmonic Archimedes’ spiral trap [4] and the latest unpublished results on simultaneous trapping and chiral analysis. Finally, I will present the control of two-photon photoluminescence from gold by nanoantennas [5].

[1] Dai, W.-H.; Lin, F.-C.; Huang, C.-B.; Huang, J.-S.* Mode conversion in high-definition plasmonic optical nanocircuits, Nano Letters 2014, 14, 3881-3886.
[2] Lin D., Huang J.-S.*, Optics Express 2014, 22, 7434-7445.
[3] Chen, K.-Y.; Lee, A.-T.; Hung, C.-C.; Huang, J.-S.*; Yang, Y.-T.* Transport and trapping in two-dimensional nanoscale plasmonic optical lattice, Nano Letters 2013, 13, 4118-4122.
[4] Tsai, W.-Y.; Huang, J.-S; Huang, C.-B.* Selective Trapping or Rotation of Isotropic Dielectric Micro-Particles by Optical Near Field in a Plasmonic Archimedes Spiral, Nano Letters 2014, 14, 547-552.
[5] Chen, W.-L.; Lin, F.-C.; Lee, Y.-Y.; Li, F.-C.; Chang, Y.-M.; Huang, J.-S.* The modulation effect of transverse, antibonding, and higher-order longitudinal modes on the two-photon photoluminescence of gold plasmonic nanoantennas, ACS Nano 2014, 8, 9053-9062.

Lecture 2: Fabrication, Resonances and Photoluminescence of Single-Crystalline Gold Nanoantennas

Time: September 15, 2016, 15:00
Place: ACP Auditorium, Albert-Einstein-Str. 6, 07745 Jena

Plasmonic nanoantennas exhibit interesting resonance modes and provide plenty of opportunity for light engineering at nanoscale. A reliable method to fabricate the pre-designed antenna with high precision is important because the optical response, especially the near field, greatly depends on the local morphology of the antenna. In this talk, I will present the hybrid fabrication technique we used to fabricate high-definition single-crystalline gold nanoantennas and nanocircuits [1]. With such method, we are able to fabricate high quality structures and to study the dark resonance mode of nanoantennas [2]. Another important and unique property of gold optical nanoantennas is that the photoluminescence (PL) from the gold material is depolarized and falls well within the antenna’s working frequency window. Therefore, PL from gold can serve as a local broadband source for probing the antenna’s resonant modes [3]. I will present the shaping and guiding of gold PL by nanoantennas. The guided PL can be used as directional broadband photon source.

[1] Huang et al., Nature Communications, 2010, 1, 150.
[2] Huang et al., Nano Letters 2010, 10, 2105-2110.
[3] Chen et al., ACS Nano 2014, 8, 9053-9062.

Lecture 3: Plasmonic Optical Nanocircuits

Time: September 21, 2016, 15:15
Place: Lecture Hall Abbe-Zentrum Beutenberg, Hans-Knöll-Str. 1, 07745 Jena

Light can be localized and guided by plasmonic nanoantennas and waveguides. When integrating these elements into functional circuits, the impedance matching between circuit elements is important for the performance of the nanocircuit. The control of the properties of the guided modes is also of fundamental importance for nanocircuits. In this lecture, I will first introduce basic models for the resonance of plasmonic nanoelements [1]. Next, I will go through the impedance matching and emission properties of a nanoantenna in a complete plasmonic nanocircuit [2]. Then, I will talk about how to realize the circuits [3] and how to experimentally obtain the relevant quantities of the guided plasmonic modes [4]. Finally, I will give brief examples of mode conversion [5-6] and spatio-temporal control of the localized and guided fields [7].

[1] Biagioni et al., Reports on Progress in Physics 2012, 75, 024402.
[2] Huang et al., Nano Letters 2009, 9, 1897-1902.
[3] Huang et al., Nature Communications, 2010, 1, 150.
[4] Rewitz et al., Nano Letters 2012, 12, 45-49.
[5] Hung et. al. Optics Express 2012, 20, 20342-20355.
[6] Dai et al., Nano Letters, 2014, 14, 3881-3886.
[7] Huang et al., Physical Review B 2009, 79, 195441.