Mentoring team


All you need to submit your contribution for the next DoKDoK.
Mentoring team
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

All accepted participants are required to register and pay the conference fee. This fee includes the shuttle transport to and from the conference venue, food and beverages during the conference, as well as the participation in the Social Day program and the Conference Dinner. The accommodation costs are NOT included in the fee, but rooms at the conference venue are available and have been reserved for the participants.



In order to attend and present your paper at DoKDoK 2024, held 26th to 30th of August 2024 in Suhl, Germany, register below. The registration fee includes the attendance at the conference as well as the complete conference including food (lunch and dinner), Conference Dinner and Social Day. Please note, that you will be accommodated in either single or double rooms. If you prefer to share your room with a colleague of your choice, please let us know in the intended section in the registration form down below.

We strongly recommend registering as soon as your abstract is accepted! Only in this case we can ensure that invoices are processed and sent out as fast as possible. However, due to possible delays in their processing, invoices may not be sent until after the conference.

Full conference (catering included)


until 26.07.2024

 100 €

Payment Procedure

The payment procedure is different depending on if you are a member of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena or not.


Non-FSU members

An invoice will be generated and sent out to the billing address you provide below. However, your conference attendance is guaranteed as soon as you finish the registration process. Please note that changes to the billing address are not possible once the invoice has been generated! In general, the invoice should be the address of the person/institution actually paying it. So, if you pay the conference fee beforehand and get refunded, use your private address as contact address for. If your institute pays it directly, use the address of your institute.


FSU members

If you are a member of FSU Jena, please approach your supervisor and ask him/her if he/she is willing to pay your DoKDoK travel expenses including the conference fee by one of his/her FSU Jena accounts. Upon agreement with your supervisor, please proceed with a travel authorization request ("Dienstreiseantrag") before and follow the respective administrative guidelines of your institute. There are four distinct categories. Student, Student with HiWi at the time of the conference, employee (you have your working contract directly with the university), External (for example you are a PhD student at the FSU Jena however you do not have a working contract with the university but with another institution, for example IOF, or IPHT). 


What is the payment procedure depending on your status?

  • Student without HiWi: You will not receive a bill, we will contact you separately about the handling of the payment.
  • Student with HiWi: You will not receive a bill, your billing contact is the secretary of your department, the transfer is handled internally.
  • Employee: you will not receive a bill, your billing contact is the secretary of your department, the transfer is handled internally.
  • External: You will receive a bill on the billing address you have provided.



You will stay at Ringberg Hotel, Suhl. We have made reservations for all attendants. However, please note that the Hotel stay is not part of the registration fee, you will have to pay for the hotel as part of your business trip. We will try to accommodate you according to your input. If you have a preferred roommate (like someone from your group who is traveling with you), please leave a comment in the remarks section.
Additionally, you should also indicate any special requirements (dietary needs, allergies, disabilities, visa requirements, etc.) in the registration form.


Cancellation policy

Cancellation until and including August 18th, 2024: full refund minus 20€ handling fee.
Cancellation after August 18th, 2024: no refund

Cancellations should be submitted in writing to the conference office. A substitute may be allowed provided such a request and the particulars of the substitute should be sent to before August 18th, 2024.

Waiver of Liability

In the event of an industrial disruption or natural disaster, DoKDoK cannot accept responsibility for any financial or other losses incurred by the delegates. DoKDoK cannot take any responsibility for injury or damage to persons or property occurring during or related to the DoKDoK 2024 conference in Suhl, Germany. All insurance, including medical cover, or expenses incurred in the event of the cancellation of DoKDoK 2024 is the responsibility of the delegate.​

Use of pictures for advertisement

By registering to DoKDoK you agree to the usage of pictures made at DoKDoK for the purpose of advertising future DoKDoK conferences. If you do not want to have a picture taken of you at DoKDoK, you can make a statement when checking in at the begin of the conference.