Prof. Dr. Giulio CERULLO

Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Giulio Cerullo is a Professor in the Physics Department, Politecnico di Milano (Italy). His research activity has mainly focused on the physics and applications of ultrashort pulse lasers, covering a wide range of aspects. His current scientific interests concern generation of few-optical-cycle pulses, ultrafast spectroscopy with time resolution down to a few femtoseconds, nonlinear microscopy and optical waveguide writing by ultrashort pulses. His research activities concern on the one hand pushing our capabilities to generate and manipulate ultrashort light pulses, and on the other hand using such pulses to capture the dynamics of ultrafast events in molecular and solid-state systems. Additional research topics are the applications of ultrafast lasers to microscopy and micro/nanomachining. Prof. Giulio Cerullo has published more than 350 scientific papers on renowned international journals of high impact factor (including Science, Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Physics, Nature Photonics, Physical Review Letters). These papers have received more than 13000 citations. According to Scopus his h-index is 61.

website of Giulio CerulloExternal link

Lecture 1: Coherent Raman spectroscopy and microscopy

Time: November 7, 2017
Place: IPHT seminar room, Albert-Einstein-Str. 9, 07743 Jena

Lecture 2: Few-cycle pulse generation by NOPAs

Time: November 8, 2017
Place: IOQ seminar room, Max-Wien-Platz 1, 07743 Jena