Prof. Dr. Fatkhulla Kh. ABDULLAEV

Institute of Theoretical Physics, UNESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil​

Fatkhulla Kh. Abdullaev, Visiting professor, Institute of theoretical physics, UNESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, is visiting the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy as an ASP Visiting Professor in December 2012. During his stay he will give one lecture on December 5th. 

The solution of a random Kepler problem and application of these results to the evolution of optical solitons under random perturbations, prediction of optical analogue of Anderson localization in arrays of optical waveguides with random parameters, prediction of discrete breathers in BEC in optical lattices, parametric resonances in modulational instability in fibers with periodic parameters, arrest of collapse of BEC with management of the atomic scattering length in time, solitons in PT symmetric nonlinear media. F.Kh. Abdullaev collaborates with leading scientists all over the world (Italy, Germany, USA, Portugal, France, Greece, Malaysia, Brazil) on the nonlinear wave phenomena in optical and atomic (Bose-Einstein condensate) systems. Results of joint investigations are published in international referred journals and presented on international conferences as invited talks. He also gives consultations for PhD students in Denmark, Brazil, Malaysia, and Uzbekistan. F.Kh. Abdullaev is a well-known scientist in the area of theory of nonlinear waves, optical solitons, and theory of nonlinear matter-waves in atomic systems. 

ORCID ID of Fatkhulla AbdullaevExternal link

Lecture: Optical Solitons in Parity-Time Symmetric Systems

Time: December 5, 2012, 14:15 pm
Place: Helmholtzweg 4, seminar room 5, 07743 Jena

The existence and stability of optical solitons in the systems with parity-time symmetric potentials are investigated. The media with the Kerr and quadratic nonlinearities are considered.