Key data of the Jena photonics cluster in 2022, comprising academia and industry.

Industry partners

ASP supports the transfer of fundamental results to industrial applications. By strategic partnerships, ASP sustains a network of photonics industry partners.
Key data of the Jena photonics cluster in 2022, comprising academia and industry.
Image: OptoNet e.V. and Christian Helgert

The Abbe School of Photonics (ASP) strongly supports the transfer of fundamental research results to industrial applications. To promote strategic partnerships, ASP sustains a dense network of optics and photonics industry members. The School gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided by these partners, as well as our longstanding sustainable and fruitful cooperation. In order to sustain our industry partners' economic development for the future, the availability of a substantial number of highly qualified employees will be required. ASP graduates are just such potential candidates, as they are well-prepared for the German optics and photonics industry.