Photonics and physics alumni workshop 2014

Photonics and Physics Alumni Workshop 2014

We were proud to welcome some of our most highly distinguished research alumni to share their perspectives on science and industry.
Photonics and physics alumni workshop 2014
Image: Private

This workshop was part of an initiative on Research Alumni Strategies, supported by the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation. At the workshop, we were proud to welcome a number of highly distinguished research alumni of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy and of the Abbe School of Photonics to shared their perspectives on science and industry with us. The workshop took place on

Wednesday, 26th November 2014 at 9 a.m.
at the lecture hall of the Abbe-Zentrum Beutenberg, Hans-Knöll-Straße 1, Jena.

Research alumni are international scientists and scholars, who have spent time working or teaching in Germany as doctoral candidates, post-doctoral researchers, or at more advanced career stages. They are ideal key networkers, who can inform junior researchers in their specialist communities about the opportunities and potentials for future career options in Germany or abroad. The workshop is part of an initiative on Research Alumni Strategies, supported by the Alexander von Humboldt FoundationExternal link and the Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchExternal link under the brand "Research in GermanyExternal link". Please see the workshop program and the flyer for further details.

download of the press release in Englishpdf, 188 kb

Targeted audience and registration

The workshop was free of charge and open to the public. We particularly wish to invite all visitors of the European Doctoral School on Photonic Nanomaterials and Metamaterials, all Jena scientists in photonics and physics, all members and alumni of the Friedrich Schiller University, and all current doctoral students, who wish to learn more about their career options.