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Prof. Benjamin Eggleton
Image: PrivateProf. Benjamin Eggleton
Benjamin Eggleton is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Professor of Phys- ics at the University of Sydney, Director of the ARC Centre for Ultra-high bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS), a 7 year program between 7 universities with federal funding of over $23M, and Director of the Institute of Photonics and Optical Science (IPOS) at the University of Sydney. Some of his research interests are all-optical signal processing including applied nonlinear optics, photonic chips and photon-phonon-coupling.
Prof. Dragomir N. Neshev
Image: PrivateProf. Dragomir N. Neshev
Dragomir Neshev is currently an Associate Professor at the Australian National University. He is the project leader on Functional Metamaterials at CUDOS and leads the Experimental Photonics group at the Nonlinear Physics Centre. His activities span over several branches of optics, including nonlinear periodic structures, singular optics, plas- monics, and photonic metamaterials.
Prof. Chris Poulton
Image: PrivateProf. Chris Poulton
Chris Poulton is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. He is the leader of the University of Technolog Sydney node of CUDOS and his research focus is on numerical analytical methods in electromagnetic wave propagation in composite materials, particularly models of confined states, waveguides, metamaterials, and photon-phonon interactions.
Dr. Andrea Blanco Redondo
Image: PrivateDr. Andrea Blanco Redondo
Andrea Blanco Redondo is managing the University of Sydney and the Technion collaborative photonics research project involving topological and nonlinear photonics. During her 8-year period at Tecnalia in Spain, she was first with the telecommunications business area and later with the aerospace business area. Since 2013 she is with CUDOS on a Marie-Curie Fellowship, where she performs characterization, modeling and analysis of ultrafast pulses and nonlinearities in silicon.
Prof. Michael Steel
Image: PrivateProf. Michael Steel
Michael Steel is a Professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at Macquarie University, Sydney and a principal investigator within CUDOS. His group investigates the theory and modelling of quantum integrated circuits, time-reversed and non-reciprocal waveguides, slow light and nanocavities, and laser-written waveguides.
Dr. Birgit Stiller
Image: PrivateDr. Birgit Stiller
Birgit Stiller obtained her doctoral degree in Nonlinear Fiber Optics at the CNRS Research Institute FEMTO-ST in Besançon. She was a Postdoc in the Leuchs division at the Max Planck Institute in Erlangen. In June 2015, she joint CUDOS as a Research Fellow in the stimulated Brillouin scattering group. Her research interests include nonlinear fiber optics, optomechanics, nonlinear effects in photonic crystal fibers, fiber sensors, as well as quantum communication, specifically quantum key distribution and quantum hacking.
Prof. Andrey A. Sukhorukov
Image: PrivateProf. Andrey A. Sukhorukov
Andrey Sukhorukov is an Associate Professor and an Australian Fu- ture Fellow at the Nonlinear Physics Centre of the Research School of Physics and Engineering at the Australian National University, Can- berra. His main research interests are nonlinear and quantum photon- ics, photonic crystals and optical solitons. Andrey currently holds a Humboldt-Fellowship with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and with the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Prof. Stefan Nolte
Image: PrivateProf. Stefan Nolte (Insitute of Applied Physics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
Professor Stefan Nolte heads the Ultrafast Optics group at the IAP, Jena and the Laser Materials Processing group at the IOF, Jena. His core research interests lie in ultrashort pulse micromachining and materials modification for industrial and medical applications, a field he is actively engaged since 1999. In 2013, he was awarded the prestigious ‘Federal German President's Award, for Innovation in Science and Technology’ together with Robert Bosch GmbH and the TRUMPF GmbH for transferring ultrashort pulse laser processing into industrial mass production. Today, the results of this work are published in more than 250 scientific articles in premier peer-reviewed journals, 14 book contributions as well as in more than 300 invited and contributed conference presentations.
Dr. Bernhard Michel
Image: PrivateDr. Bernhard Michel (CEO, Hembach Photonik GmbH)
Dr. Bernhard Michel completed his doctoral studies at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and during a subsequent Postdoc tenure at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, performed excellent work on “Optics of inhomogeneous and disordered media”, which earned him the international reputation of a leading expert in the field of light scattering. In 1998, Dr. Michel further embarked on his career as a freelance consultant for the industry and founded Simuloptics GmbH in 2006. In 2011, Dr. Michel founded Hembach Photonik GmbH, with its core expertise in optical design, analysis activities and the performance improvement of existing optical systems for the European space, automotive, medical and general lighting industry.
Dr. Ute Bergner
Image: PrivateDr. Ute Bergner (CEO, VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH)
What started as a vacuum product company in Jena with just two employees in the year 1992, has today emerged as a European market leader in the most innovative vacuum technologies. VACOM, the brainchild of Dr. Ute Bergner, is listed amongst the top 30 innovative medium sized German enterprises. Dr Bergner has been named as the ‘Entrepreneur of the year 2008’ in Jena and won the “Rudolf-Jaeckel Preis” by the German vacuum association in 2013. Last year, she won the ‘Ernst Abbe prize for innovative entrepreneurship’ in Thuringia and currently serves in the board of trustees of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and as the councillor of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA) in Germany.
Dr. Martin Schaffer
Image: PrivateDr. Martin Schaffer (CEO, EnShape GmbH)
Since January 2014, researchers of the former workgroup of 3D metrology from the Institute of Applied Optics, Jena are fostering the Startup EnShape from the research basis with patents and lab installation to industrial self-dependence with marketable products. Dr. Schaffer, the founder and CEO of EnShape is committed to pushing new 3D sensor technologies into products. Dr. Schaffer at the time of his doctoral studies at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena was awarded by the Heptagon - Sven Bühling - Forschungsförderpreis in 2012 for exceptional research in physics. In December 2014, EnShape won the specially awarded first prize by the STIFT for innovative start-ups and the first prize of the "Thüringer Gründerpreis 2014”.