DoKDoK 2017 backcover
Image: ASPWhat is DoKDoK?
DoKDok is a conference for doctoral students in all areas of Optics and Photonics organized by fellow doctoral students. The purpose is to help young researchers connect with their peers, exchange knowledge, improve their presentation skills, and discuss the challenges and motivations of life in research. Furthermore, company representatives will give insights into various job and career opportunities.
Where and when is DoKDoK 2017?DoKDoK 2017 will be held on 18th -22nd September 2017 in the “Michel Hotel” in Suhl, Thuringia. The modern conference hotel offers a spacious venue for scientific and personal communication among the participants.
What topics does DoKDoK 2017 cover?Every doctoral student, master student, or Post-Doc working in optics is welcome to submit a paper. Categories include but are not limited to fiber optics, optical system design, green photonics, biophotonics, terahertz systems, non-linear optics, laser development, quantum optics, ultrafast optics, semiconductor optics, sensing & metrology, microscopy & imaging, micro- & nanooptics, …
Why should I participate in DoKDoK?DoKDoK gives you the unique chance to closely get in contact with other early career researchers. The collegial atmosphere creates an innovative and open minded environment to present and discuss achievements with your fellow peers at an equal and friendly level. This unique peer enivronment not present at other conferences allows you to openly discuss new ideas as well as difficulties in scientific work. Additionally, the conference program will be supplemented by keynote lectures about how to go from ‘Science to Society’ as well as company presentations from industry leaders. DoKDoK provides a special opportunity to build your network with tomorrow's scientific leaders.
Who is DoKDoK?
DoKDoK is hosted by the Abbe School of Photonics, a graduate school at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. The region around Jena is an ideal place for this conference due to the strong presence of robust, multinational companies in this field, pioneered by Ernst Abbe, Carl Zeiss and Otto Schott. DoKDoK is organized by a team of doctoral students at the Abbe School of Photonics.