Optical laser laboratory at the Institute of Applied Optics and Quantum Electronics.

Partners & Network

ASP the central umbrella organization for a number of graduate research schools in the intersectoral network of the Abbe Center of Photonics, including attractive scholarship programs and industrial partnerships.
Optical laser laboratory at the Institute of Applied Optics and Quantum Electronics.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

In joint research projects, ASP scientists and students cover both fundamental and applied topics. One of our main goals is to produce synergetic effects between University institutes, the associated non-university research institutes, a dense international network and – of course – our industrial partners. We are dedicated to enable a scientific, societal and economical added-value for our students - the benefit of our students is at the heart of our daily effort. Our School's additional offers are based on funding mainly attracted in competitive third-party programs. Additionally, the School is a strong partner for a multitude of interdisciplinary projects with other research schools and member of the Graduate Academy Jena.

Key data of the Jena photonics cluster in 2022, comprising academia and industry.
Key data of the Jena photonics cluster in 2022, comprising academia and industry.
Image: OptoNet e.V. and Christian Helgert

ASP coordination of graduate schools and scholarship programs

Former ASP graduate schools and scholarship programs

  • International Research Training Group GRK 2101 "Guided light, tightly packed"External link,
    funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) until 2021.
  • Research Training Group "3D Technologies in Human-Machine Interaction" within the consortium "3DsensationExternal link", funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) until 2020.
  • Photonics-based analytics for biomedicine, funded as a concept for structural measures by the Carl Zeiss foundation until 2016.
  • Graduate Research School for Photonics (GraPho), funded in public-private partnership by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the local state government and the German photonics industry until 2013.
  • Graduate Research School - Optical Microsystem Technologies (OMiTec), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research until 2013.
  • Graduate Research School - Green Photonics, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research until 2012.