Coffee cup in front of the International Centre

WelcomeCafé at the International Centre

Informations about study start for international students
Coffee cup in front of the International Centre
Image: Britta Salheiser (Universität Jena)
Event details
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Types of event
Internationales Centrum (Haus auf der Mauer)
Johannisplatz 26, Großer Saal
07743 Jena
Google Maps site planExternal link
Organized by
Welcome Days Team
Sindy Meinhardt
Welcome Days Team
Eliška Mračková
Languages of the event
Wheelchair access
Source event

Das WelcomeCafé

Das WelcomeCafé für neue Studierende hat vom 31.03.-11.04.2025, Montag-Freitag von 15-17 Uhr im Internationalen CentrumExternal link geöffnet. Es befindet sich am Johannisplatz 26External link.

Das WelcomeCafé-Team unterstützt gern bei Fragen zur Einschreibung (Immatrikulation), Wohnungssuche, Visumsantrag, Studienorganisation und vielem anderen. Im WelcomeCafé trifft man andere neue Studierende und erhält Tipps zum Studieren und Leben in Jena.

The WelcomeCafé

The Welcome Café for new students opens Mon-Fri 15-17h between 31 March and 11 April 2025 at the International CentreExternal link (Johannisplatz 26External link).

The WelcomeCafé team will also be happy to help you with questions about enrolment (matriculation), finding accommodation, applying for a visa, organising your studies and much more. At the WelcomeCafé you can meet other new students and get tips on studying and living in Jena. You can find all and many more events organised by the WelcomeCafé team in the events calendar. It is located at Johannisplatz 26External link.