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International Mobility

Opportunities for ASP students to study and research abroad.
Samsung display technology.
Image: Samsung

Doctoral research partners world map

Image: Private

The Abbe School of Photonics has developed a network of international academic partnerships which not only connects us to leaders and decision-makers in photonics all over the world, but also enables our doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to embark on short- and long-term research visits to our partner institutions. Such visits abroad allow our doctoral candidates to gain experience in another research environment and to improve their language skills. From a scientific and technological point of view, the use of the infrastructure of the host institution very often offers new possibilities for measurements and experimental work.These opportunities for research stays abroad guarantee a truly international doctoral research experience and are, therefore, highly recommended for every single doctoral track. Practically all doctoral researchers in our program are eligible to participate in different exchange schemes. Currently, the following mobilities are being funded: 

Research visits at the Institute of Physics in Belgrade, Serbia

Danube river at the city center of Belgrade, Serbia.

Image: Getty Images.

With the EU-funded Twinning project BioQantSenseExternal link, ASP is a collaboration partner of the prestigious Institute of Physics in Belgrade, SerbiaExternal link. We are currently facilitating and re-imbursing research stays up to several weeks with our partners in Serbia, at least until 2025. To inquire about your options for participating in this program and for more information on short and long-term research stays, please contact Dr. Christian Helgert (

Research visits at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia


Image: Australian Capital Territory central administration.

The Australian National University (ANU)External link, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, has built an active cooperation in various fields of physics and photonics with ACP/ASP for more than 20 years. Our common, very successful research efforts are substantiated by numerous joint projects and a one-of-a-kind joint science track record. This partnership has helped many ANU and ACP scientists to work and teach at their respective partner institution for durations between a few weeks up to several years.

We are running the DFG-funded International Research Training Group (IRTG) 2675 "META-ACTIVE" together with ANU. This IRTG lasts at least until 2026 and offers numerous doctoral positions, Dual-PhD options and many different travel and research visit slots for doctoral candidates. To inquire about your eligibility or to apply for a position within the IRTG 2675, please contact the spokesperson, Prof. Isabelle Staude (

link to the IRTG 2675

Research visits at the National Taiwan University


Image: Private archiv

For many years, ASP has fostered a vivid exchange of researchers, ideas, and projects in the field of nanophotonics with the  National Taiwan University External linkand the National Central UniversityExternal link, both located in Taipei. To inquire about your options for participating in this program and for more information on short and long-term research stays in Taipei, please contact Dr. Frank Setzpfandt (

Research and teaching visits at the University of Bordeaux, France


Image: Eric-Bouloumie

Not only does our partnership with the University of Bordeaux and the LAPHIA Cluster of Excellence in Photonics benefit our master’s degree students, it also offers exciting opportunities for our doctoral candidates: We offer one-week long research and teaching visits in Bordeaux, which are funded by our Erasmus+ program.

To inquire about your options as an ACP scientist or lecturer for researching or teaching opportunities in Bordeaux, please contact Prof. Christian Spielmann (

Research and teaching visits at the Delft Technical University in The Netherlands

Delft Holanda

Image: Private archive

Building on our Erasmus+ program for mobility at the master’s degree level with the Technical University in Delft, we also offer opportunities for one-week long Eramsus+ funded research and teaching trips to our doctoral candidates.

To inquire about your options for research or teaching in Delft as a staff scientist, please contact Dr. Christian Helgert (

Research visits in Toronto, Montréal or Québec City in Canada


Image: Private archiv

Based on the long-term cooperation and the deep roots established by our DFG-funded International Research Training Group (IRTG) 2101 "Guided light, tightly packed", we are still able to provide individual, on-demand research stays with our Canadian partners:

Research thrusts and topics with our Canadian partners may include, but are not limited to, optical waveguides, fibers, and related technology to confine and control light in ultra-compact devices. If you are interested in these opportunities, please contact Dr. Anna Späthe (

Exchange program with the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine 

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in the Ukraine.

Image: Smapse Education

The Kharkiv National University VN Karazin is a state University located in the city of Kharkiv, Ukraine. It is one of the oldest Universities in Eastern Europe with a long lisit of traditions and achievements. In 2024, ASP has set up a partnership with the Faculty of Radio Physics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer SystemsExternal link within the European Joint Master Degree Program EMIMEP. Students from Karazin have special slots to do parts of their studies and research in Jena and at our European partners. 

There are currently no outgoing scholarships for Kharkiv, however, any further informtion on our partnership is available at Dr. Christian Helgert.