![Samsung display technology.](https://www.asp.uni-jena.de/asp_femedia/3190/laser-display-and-lighting-leds-copyright-samsung.jpeg?height=428&width=760)
Doctoral research partners world map
Image: PrivateThe Abbe School of Photonics has developed a network of international academic partnerships which not only connects us to leaders and decision-makers in photonics all over the world, but also enables our doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to embark on short- and long-term research visits to our partner institutions. Such visits abroad allow our doctoral candidates to gain experience in another research environment and to improve their language skills. From a scientific and technological point of view, the use of the infrastructure of the host institution very often offers new possibilities for measurements and experimental work.These opportunities for research stays abroad guarantee a truly international doctoral research experience and are, therefore, highly recommended for every single doctoral track. Practically all doctoral researchers in our program are eligible to participate in different exchange schemes. Currently, the following mobilities are being funded: