Working on problems together.

Open PhD and Postdoc Positions

ASP is permanently offering open PhD and postdoctoral positions. In addition, you can spontaneously apply at every single research group at any time.
Working on problems together.
Image: Anna Schroll

Apply for our program – online and at any time

We warmly welcome applications from international applicants at any time. Beside the topics given below, feel free to assess the research portfolio of all our researchers at Beside specultive applications, a pool of specific positions and open calls are always available. To apply at a specific call, please follow the instructions given there.

We have set up a now Online Application Portal for PhD candidates:

To apply now for a PhD position, please register at link


Illustration of a workshop in the future MINT Makerspace @Lichtwerkstatt Jena.

Illustration: AI-generated

Unique position to work with young people and schoolchildren (published Christmas 2024)

For our new project MINT Makerspace, we are looking for an individual with a background in social work and/or didactics to reinforce our team working with schoolchilden on MINT topics (TV-L 13), as soon as possible. 

We are looking for a strong personality reinforcing our interdisciplinary scientific team with special skills on social work and didactics. Teachers welcome! Main tasks of the position are to attract target groups at school, with a special focus on young people with diverse social and educational backgrounds. Also, we will do MINT workshops in our Lichtwerkstatt MakerspaceExternal link together.

To apply, please read the original announcement in German at link and follow the link to the online application portal given therein. 

The application deadline is January 31, 2025.

Dr. Jan Rothhardt.

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

R&D topics in Computational Imaging at the Nanoscale (updated August 2024)

Short wavelength radiation in the extreme ultraviolet and x-ray spectral region enables unique insights into matter with nanoscale resolution and high elemental contrast. Significant advances in compact light sources and matched computational imaging methods are required to push resolution, contrast and speed to application-relevant levels.

The x-ray spectroscopy and microscopy group at the Institute of Applied Physics, lead by PD Dr. Jan Rothhardt, is permanently recruiting enthusiastic young scientist for (paid) internships, Master and PhD topics. 

If you are interested in working in the field of computational imaging and short-wavelength physics, please get in contact with

If you want to apply directly for a PhD thesis, please use the Online Application SystemExternal link.

Link to the announcementpdf, 971 kb · de

Photonics laboratory.

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

R&D topics in Fiber Laser Physics (updated February 2024)

The fiber laser group at the IAP, lead by Prof. Jens Limpert, is permanently recruiting enthusiastic young scientist and is offering: 

  • interesting and relevant topics
  • an excellent supervision from internship level up to PhD
  • a highly endowed renumeration and
  • exceptional carrier opportunities.

If you are interested in working in the field of laser physics and joining this group, please get in contact with and learn more about available topics, e.g. as trial period in a paid internship or Master thesis. If you want to apply for a PhD thesis, please use the Online Application SystemExternal link.

Link to the announcementpdf, 861 kb · de

Photo-emission electron microscopy setup.

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

PhD position on "Electronic structure and strong-field calculations for atoms and ions" at the Fritzsche research group (updated January 2024)

The Relativistic Quantum Dynamics Group of Prof. Stephan Fritzsche at the Institute of Theoretical Physics is offering a PhD position under the topic mentioned in the header. For more details, please review the position announcementpdf, 30 kb and contact directly.


After graduation: Jobs in Thuringia

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