Transmission electron microscopic sample inspection.

M.Sc. Physics (with focus on photonics)

The Master of Science in Physics is based on the long-standing physics teaching tradition of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
Transmission electron microscopic sample inspection.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)


Prof. Ulf Peschel.
Prof. Ulf Peschel.
Image: Anna Schroll

The Master of Science in Physics (M. Sc. Physics) is based on the long-standing physics teaching tradition provided by the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The Master course was primarily designed for German students, who have already finished their Bachelor of Science in Physics. However, the course is also open for foreign students, since the lectures can be studied also in English. Nevertheless, the degree of internationalization of the M.Sc. Physics program is not yet as comprehensive as for the M.Sc. Photonics program. Anybody who has successfully completed a Bachelor of Science in Physics at a German university or at a university in a EU-country will be accepted for the Master of Science in Physics without reseservation to the consecutive program of study. The acceptance of applicants from other institutions and other fields of study is decided individually. For many decades and to date, successful finishers of the studies in physics will face the most excellent career opportunities on the German and international labour market, including leading positions in industry, academia and public service.

Key facts

Entrance hall of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy in Jena.
Entrance hall of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy in Jena.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

All students who are enrolled in the M.Sc. Physics program can choose among different elective modules and topics for their Master's degree thesis. Building on the broad range of modules offered by experienced teaching staff of the Abbe School of Photonics (ASP), they have opportunity to specialize particularly in optics and photonics. All the elective modules offered by ASP are fully compatible with the study course M.Sc. Physics and may be choosen.

The Master's degree program is based on many years of experience in optics education provided by the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Our university deems optics and photonics as one of its primary fields in education and research. A significant benefit of the program is its embedment in the modern research environment of the Abbe Center of Photonics (ACP), integrating 13 institutes of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision EngineeringExternal link, the Leibniz Institute of Photonic TechnologyExternal link, the Helmholtz-Institute JenaExternal link, as well as a number of prominent industrial partners.

The Master's degree program is part of a comprehensive education program provided by the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Successful graduates are optimally prepared to be accepted as doctoral candidates, either within ASP's doctoral program or within individual physics doctorates at the University.

Study program and application

Nonlinear optics laboratory.
Nonlinear optics laboratory.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

The up-to-date module catalogue is available for download here de. More information on the Master's degree program in physics in general is available here de.

International studies also for outgoing German students

Erasmus+ program
Erasmus+ program
Image: Compassionate Eye Foundation/Graham Winterbottom

Once enrolled, German students have the chance to spend up to one year of their studies abroad. The Faculty of Physics and Astronomy sustains a large network of high-reputation partner universities all over Europe, who offer various study slots for both M.Sc. Photonics and M.Sc. Physics students. These exchanges are coordinated by Prof. Malte Kaluza via the Erasmus+ program. Erasmus stays abroad are financially supported by EU fellowships.
Please find more details on ASP's international exchange programs for Master's degree students here.