• What is DoKDoK?

    DoKDoK is a scientific conference for doctoral (PhD) and master's students in all areas of optics and photonics. The conference aims to help young researchers connect with each other, exchange knowledge, and polish their conference presentation skills by offering an authentic atmosphere for scientific exchange at eye level.

    DoKDoK is hosted by the Abbe School of Photonics (ASP) of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The conference is traditionally organized by a team of ASP doctoral students.

  • What topics does DoKDoK cover?

    The conference addresses doctoral students, master's students, and young post-docs working in optics and photonics. Technical sessions will cover topics including Ultrafast Optics, Non-linear Optics, Biophotonics, Spectroscopy, Microscopy & Imaging, Micro- & Nanooptics, Quantum Optics, Optical Sensing & Metrology, Optical System Design, Semiconductor Optics, Fiber Optics, and more.

  • Why should I participate in DoKDoK?

    DoKDoK provides doctoral students the unique chance to get into close contact with other young researchers. The flat hierarchy creates an innovative and open-minded environment to present and discuss achievements and new ideas, as well as address difficulties in the scientific work of young researchers. Additionally, the scientific program will be supplemented by keynote lectures from experienced scientists at the top of their fields. Furthermore, company representatives will give insights into job and career opportunities.

  • How can I participate in DoKDoK?

    Please upload an abstract by June 30, 2024 (closed), using this link. You can also visit this webpage from the DokDok 2024 homepage by navigating to 'Submit Abstract'.  If you encounter any problems during the submission process, please feel free to contact us at dokdok@uni-jena.com . We look forward to your participation. 

  • Submission and Registration Information

    Abstract submission is now open! Please upload your abstract by June 30, 2024 (closed), using this link. You can also access this page from the DokDok 2024 homepage by navigating to "Submit Abstract."

    Registration is now open! Please fill the registration form by 1st August, 2024, using this link. If you encounter any problems during the registration, please feel free to contact us at dokdok@uni-jena.com

  • Previous DoKDoK events