Measuring device in the Quantum Laboratory Course

Properties of Photons (Wave-Particle duality)

Two experiments providing evidence for both the wave and particle nature of photons.
Measuring device in the Quantum Laboratory Course
Image: Monika, FSU Jena

The experiments described provide evidence supporting both the wave and the particle nature of photons. In the first experiment, interference patterns observed in a Michelson interferometer (MI) with single photons demonstrate the wave-like behavior of light. The second experiment, utilizing a Hanbury Brown-Twiss setup, confirms the particle-like behavior of photons by demonstrating that they cannot be split up. By combining these experiments, it is possible to illustrate both the wave and particle properties of photons within a single experimental setup.

Further content and detailed descriptions are available to enrolled students via the course's page at the Moodle website of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.