This experiment investigates various aspects of quantum interference, beginning with the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) effect, where two single photons become indistinguishable and interfere at a beam splitter, leading to either constructive or destructive interference depending on their arrival times. This is followed by the quantum eraser phenomenon, where interference patterns are observed even with single photons if their paths are indistinguishable, but disappear when path information is revealed. By introducing polarizers, the "which path information" can be erased, restoring interference patterns. Finally, the Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester demonstrates a similar principle, using an attenuator to reveal path information and thus eliminate interference. The experiment consists of analyzing data produced by using photon sources to perform interferometry. Through these experiments, fundamental principles of quantum interference and its manipulation are explored and demonstrated.
Further content and detailed descriptions are available to enrolled students via the course's page at the Moodle website of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.