Quantum Cryptography simulator in the Quantum Laboratory Course

Quantum Cryptography (BB84)

Quantum cryptography offers a paradigm shift in secure communication. The experimental setups provide hands-on exploration of cryptographic principles and real-word tasks.
Quantum Cryptography simulator in the Quantum Laboratory Course
Image: Monika, FSU Jena

Quantum cryptography, rooted in quantum mechanical principles, offers a paradigm shift in secure communication. The BB84 protocol exemplifies this approach, utilizing photon polarization for key distribution between Alice and Bob. Implemented within the motorized module, experimental setups provide hands-on exploration of cryptographic principles. Tasks encompass real-world considerations such as fiber loss and theoretical estimations for secure communication distance. By bridging theory and practice, these experiments deepen understanding while highlighting the challenges and opportunities in quantum cryptographic systems.

Further content and detailed descriptions are available to enrolled students via the course's page at the Moodle website of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.